Don’t you just love seeing people living their passion, I do. Just this
last Fall, I was introduced to a woman business owner in the Sacramento area
that already was outrageously successful having created her own network
marketing company in the nutrition industry.
She reached out to me and said that she wanted to create a seminar training
company. One that would teach, train, and motivate fellow women business owners
her passion and truth for success.
Karen is a woman of action (to say the least!) and wanted to get her seminar business
going right away, so one of the key systems we needed to get into place right away was
her accounting. Although, she did not have ANY clients or revenue at that time there
was a high priority to get this ready.
Within the first thirty days she already started marketing F.REE calls teaching
some of her principles, at the end of the call Karen offered a coach program the attendees
for a fee. The attendees would register at a special web-page and pay using their
credit card.
Then my staff would pull the reports every week from the online shopping cart and code
everything within Quickbooks so she can track profitability after marketing costs or affiliate commissions.
Just after 90 days of starting the business and hosting her first weekend bootcamp, where
she taught her most coveted content, she generated over $11,258 in sales!
On the backend of all of those orders, we created and added all of the customers in Quickbooks. My staff setup all of the payment plans for the people that opted for installation billing. We also broke out all of the affiliate commissions for each of the programs that were sold, and prepared affiliate checks to where she just had to click ‘print’, enter in her 4 digit code in Quickbooks online billpay to send all of the payments out effortlessly!
The seminar business is great and people can earn a lot of money, but what most people do not realize all that is involved on the backend and how overwhelming the payment systems, progress-ive billing and more can be…and keep the marketing machine going!
Do you have a coaching or seminar idea you are excited about? I’d like to talk with you
more and see what you are up to. Reply to this email and we can figure out a time to talk.
Live your passion!