One of my favorite outdoor activities in the Spring is to play golf. Have you
ever turned what was a hobby into a business, then later found that you maybe did
not enjoy it as much?
Last Spring the phone rang with a CPA I have worked with for a couple of years now
mentioned that he had a referral for me, and thought we could help.
The CPA had been preparing taxes for this retired golf pro, who had built
a sizeable golf academy. The business is doing really well, and the golf
pro spends most days working with his instructors and coaching students.
Every week $1,000′s of dollars worth of invoicing is generated in
Quickbooks, and then students pay by check for their lesson packages. The
breakdown in the bookkeeping process is that when all of those checks come
in, they are not getting applied back to the open invoices back in Quickbooks.
The owners staff is just running over to the bank to get them deposited, consequently,
leaving all of the student’s balances are in dissaray.
We quickly improved the situation right away by suggesting to the business owner to
pick up a production desktop scanner as step one. Next we instructed him to
send EVERYTHING with a number on it to our paperless workflow system daily. Our staff will
then code everything in Quickbooks, applying payments to invoices, generating statements,
tracking what students have balances, and generating sales reports for upsale opportunities.
I have time tomorrow late morning, or early afternoon the next day if you would like to
chat about any bookkeeping headaches you are dealing with over the last few days.
Talk with you soon!
Todd Lay
P.S. I hope you are not too busy to figure out a solution to a problem before it
becomes a crisis. Email me back if you want to talk further

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